Daintree Rainforest

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  • The Daintree Rainforest is 135 million years old and is approximately 1,200 square kilometres in area and is the largest continuous area of rainforest in Australia.
  • The Daintree Rainforest is the largest rainforest in Australia yet it only covers 20% of Australia's land-mass.
  • The Daintree Rainforest is situated north of Cairns in the tropical north of Queensland and gained world heritage listing on the 9th of December 1988.  


The human impact on the Daintree Rainforest


Logging affects the Daintree Rainforest because if the loggers go and cut down all the trees and sell the timber for money there will be no rainforest left.


Farming affects the Daintree Rainforest because farmers burn the rainforest in order to clear land for more farming.


Development is affecting the Daintree Rainforest because people are destroying the rainforest to build houses, roads and infrastructure.


Mining is a problem because miners clear the rainforest and dig up the ground to extract minerals.


Tourism is a problem because as interest in the Daintree Rainforest grows, more buses and transport is needed to keep up with demand and that increases the carbon dioxide and impacts on climate change.



As a consequence of  human impact over 120 local animal and plant species are threatened. The Cassowary is a threatened species and there are only 2,000 left.


This is a picture of a Cassowary. Cassowaries live in Australia's Daintree Rainforest.

Why is the Daintree Rainforest Important?


The Daintree Rainforest is an outstanding example of the major stages in the Earth's evolutionary history.

The Daintree Rainforest is important because it is home to 50% of the world’s animals and plant life.


In the Daintree Rainforest we can find the rare Bennets Tree-Kangaroo, the endangered Cassowary, the White Lipped tree frog, and the Ulysses butterfly.


It is important to protect the Daintree Rainforest to save these species and also to protect the medicinal plants, those of which have not yet been explored for their healing abilities.


The Daintree Rainforest has many features. It is so amazing but if we keep destroying it, it won’t be there in the future.


The preferred future would be for the Daintree Rainforest to be here in the future.


We can make that happen if we all contribute by protesting against development and logging in the Daintree Rainforest and for farmers to stop burning rainforests.

Rain forest

How can we protect the Daintree rainforest?


We can protect the Daintree rainforest by donating money to http://www.rainforestrescue.org.au/, also by holding a fundraiser and donating the money and protesting against land clearing.

I hope you will help the fight to save the Daintree Rainforest!